Guard Part B

Garage Door BeforeGarage Door After 2

Guard Part B provides the durability, and protection of ceramic coatings with the ease of a spray and cure application. It’s the perfect combination for cleaning professionals that need a quality long-lasting coating with easy application.

Once applied to the surface using the OMNIfogUSA application device, sealants and ceramics (Si02) bind to all surfaces of the finish and cure to a durable, tough coating that protects and provides a dry slippery surface that aids in operation. Residual product that flows into the hinge points will provide additional lubrication.


The Si02 and barrier will protect Roll Shutters and Roll Security Doors against bird droppings, environmental fallout, detergents, UV light, salt, and other harmful contaminates.

In addition to protecting roll shutters and roll security doors, Guard Part B too will create a shiny, slick, hydrophobic (water beading) surface that will protect the surface form U/V rays.

Once cured, the coating is extremely durable. It repels corrosive caustics, acids, salts and solvents while maintaining the shine and appearance of the finish.